A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Proverbs 22:3
A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them.
The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences.
Proverbs 27:12
Compare God’s use of foreordination with the way he uses his power. As the Almighty, God has absolute power. (Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 40:26, 28) But does he use his power in an uncontrolled manner? No. For instance, he held back from acting against Babylon, an enemy of ancient Israel, until the time was right. “I kept exercising self-control,” God said. (Isaiah 42:14) The same principle applies to his use of foreknowledge and foreordination. Jehovah exercises self-control in order to respect the free will that he gave us.
Selective foreknowledge means that God could choose not to foreknow indiscriminately all the future acts of his creatures. This would mean that, rather than all history from creation onward being a mere rerun of what had already been foreseen and foreordained, God could with all sincerity set before the first human pair the prospect of everlasting life in an earth free from wickedness.
Insight - Foreknowledge
According to Jehovah's Witnesses theology Jehovah is not prudent, shrewd or sensible, but a simpleton and inexperienced.
He deliberately chose to not know what he could have known - the consequences of his own actions. Result: billions suffered badly. This is the worst f#ckup in all history of design and decision making. Ever.
In this theology God is like a pedestrian who chooses to close his eyes when crossing a highway, in order to not influence the drivers' free will to brake, swerve or just overrun him. It doesn't make sense at all.
On the bright side: all this is like discussing whether Superman's feces are orange or blue.
(We all know he doesn't go #2 ever ;-))